Thrilling 30 Starscream (Legend) : Transformers Generations
There isn’t much issue of a G1 resemblance of Starscream in new mold nowadays. The most recent release would be the Masterpiece scale of him (MP-11) which remained to be the top range of Transformers collection. For deluxes, there are so much lesser for him in the form of G1. Recent reissue as United seekers box set was actually a re-deco of the classics line. So it isn’t a surprise that in the event of celebrating Transformers 30th year, Hasbro is going to revive the iconic villain of all time…. but in a smaller scale: the Thrilling 30 Starscream in Legend class.
This new legend class (similar to the previous reviewed Optimus Prime and Bumblebe) is better in scale and offers better play-ability as compared to the old cheapo child magnet legend. What’s more, it comes doubled up with a bundled micron: the triple changer Waspinator. Read on to find out more what this new toy is going to offer.
(A) Alternate Mode
This Thrilling 30 Starscream transformed himself into a F15/F22 hybrid fighter jet plane (based heavily on IDW artist Guido Guidi’s concept of Seekers). Obvious resemblance of Starscream at first sight is his familiar and favorite color scheme of red, blue, grey and white.
Plastic quality is definitely a great improvement in this legend. It has a more solid feel now and much more heavier. Well, not as heavy as a deluxe but yet still heavier than previous old legends.
Paints are quite minimal but nicely done. They can be seen on both wings, logos and cockpit. The rest goes with their unpainted plastic color.
In term of child safety (as a norm), the nose cone and the rear wings are actually being made of soft rubber.
I found this quite common to all jet based robots to have a “Macross” style approach: the legs folded up to become the thruster of the jet. Maybe it’s really much easier to reuse the same concept of engineer over and over again.
Frankly, details are not as extensive as deluxe but it is considered okay for a legend class. Then again, you are definitely getting what you are paying for.
Though it looks decent on top, the bottom suffers fate of exposure of vital parts such as the headpiece and obvious arms/legs placement. Thus, suggesting a much more direct and simple transformation altogether.
(B) Robot Mode
Moving to the Thrilling 30 Starscream robot mode, he looks great. First impression on him: doesn’t look at all like the cheapo obsolete legend class.
The first thing that give great impression is the chest area which is painted with metallic silver paint. Moving up is the perfectly sculpted headpiece which there will be a close up picture after the jump.
There is very less back kibble for the figure. Overall figure stands nicely.
However, the back section does look unpleasant at first, but after a while you can see Hasbro’s effort in crafting a more detailed sculpture to hide the plain sight. Maybe additional paints will do a neat job in improving further the visual pleasantness. Anyhow, knowing the limitation of cost, I guess this is the best they can do.
Despite being a cheaper legend class, the headpiece is perfectly sculpted in capturing the gist of Starscream. It is being wrapped in silver metallic face plate along with nicely painted eyes and helmet. Do remember that the headpiece is just around 0.5cm in size but yet so much details have been added to bring out the soul of the wicked Starscream. Hasbro has really done a great effort in this.
Articulation Mapping
Another massive improvements over older legend class is the articulation of the figure. With multiple ball joints being used, the figure promises quite decent poseability and playability. However, with the absence of a head and waist articulations, the figure does suffer from some comfortable poses. Can’t really hope much from a budget class though.
(C) Transformation
Transformation is really simple and straightforward. I believe even without an instruction manual you can have it transformed within minutes. Nothing to shout about. It does somehow remind me of the Transformers RPMs (Robot Powered Machines), but with slightly added transformation.
(D) Gimmicks
(E) Gallery of Goodies
(F) Conclusion
Thrilling 30 Starscream is actually not a bad figure. Other than offering smaller scaled figure to match with the gigantic Metroplex, he does capture quite a lot of detail for being the iconic Starscream. Don’t forget that this is just only a RM49.90 (approx 15USD) Legend class figure. It’s does show quite a big leap of improvement. If you are looking for a cheap and great looking (but small) version of Starscream, go grab him!
My PCR for him: 8/10
What I like – Perfect head sculpt; nice paintjob; interesting micron gimmick.
What I dislike?– Absence of head and waist joints; unpleasant backpack design; overly simple transformation (as compared to Optimus and Bumblebee of the same class).
Until then, enjoy hunting and hauling!
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